Alpaca yarn is soft, warm, luxurious and produces wonderful garments. Because it is lanolin free it has many uses.
If you have never knitted or spun alpaca yarn, then you don’t know what you are missing. If you have previously enjoyed the experience of working with this adaptable yarn you will be delighted to learn that we have a selection of fibre in its natural raw state, in the spectrum of natural shades. It may be purchased in multiples of 500 grammes and each order comes with a picture of the animal it has come from.
Our fibre comes unwashed and in its natural state in a wide range of colours from white through off-white, beige, buff, light brown, dark brown and black. We also have a rose grey and a true grey animal. We have a wide selection of baby fibre available which is greatly prized for its amazing fineness and comfort. Below is just a small sample from our wide range.
Availability and Pricing
Prices are £17 including postage for 500g of adult fibre, £22 per 500g for baby fibre. The fibre is from the saddle only.
Contact Us with your fibre requirements and we will do our best to fulfil them. Payment is by PayPal or by personal cheque. Contact us on the details below with your order or any questions.